Нурмуратов Серик Есентаевич
- дфн, профессор (руководитель научной программы «Исследование культуры и ценностей общества в контексте стратегии устойчивого развития Казахстана»).
Zhanabayeva Dinara
- Deputy Head of the Center, Head of the Sector of Ontology and Social Philosophy (or Philosophy of Culture) - Leading Researcher, PhD doctor
Sagikyzy Ayazhan
- Chief Scientific Officer – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Sartaeva Raushan
- Chief Scientific Officer – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
Alzhan Kuanysh
- Leading Researcher – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
Konyrbaeva Kulsia
- Leading Researcher – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Koyanbayeva Gulnar
- Leading Researcher – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor