We decided to review the activities of the head of state Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in the development and prosperity of our country throughout the year, and briefly dwell on the fundamental changes and successes in social and political life, social and economic development.
This year, the President visited 11 regions of the country on a working trip. He got acquainted with more than 60 industrial and socio-cultural facilities in the regions and met with the public. Also participated in 41 events within the country. Among them, there are gatherings held in various formats, such as forums, councils, meetings. He held 137 meetings with political and public figures of the country.
The head of state reviewed and signed 3,979 documents this year. Among them, 95 laws, 319 decrees, 81 orders, 28 minutes of meetings, 3,456 official documents were adopted ( according to December 25 ).
It was also a fruitful year in foreign policy. In particular, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev visited foreign countries 23 times this year, participated in 19 international forums and summits. He met 27 times with leaders of other countries within the framework of international events. He also held 84 meetings with heads of foreign states and governments, other high-ranking officials, leaders of international and regional organizations, and representatives of the business community. He received credentials from the ambassadors of 22 countries. He spoke with the heads of state 49 times by phone.
Now let's pay attention to the things done for the benefit of the country during the work schedule expressed by these numbers.
First of all, it is better to tell the good news of the beginning of the year. On January 9, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev signed the Decree "On changes in the administrative-territorial structure of Almaty region". The village of Zhetygen was reorganized into the city of Alatau. Thus, the foundation of Alatau City, which will rise in the future between Almaty and Konaev, was laid. Foreign investors are particularly interested in the implementation of the new urban project, which has been under discussion for several years. During his visit to Singapore and after, the President met with potential investors and discussed the details of the project aimed at turning the Almaty agglomeration into a prosperous economic zone.
Kuryltai, which counted the nation's score
This year, the third session of the National Congress, where national issues are discussed, was held in the ancient town of Sarayshik - Atyrau region. The main values of independence and patriotism, unity and solidarity, justice and responsibility, law and order, diligence and professional qualification, creativity and innovation were defined in the constitution. At the same time, the President gave a specific task to strengthen the fight against five social problems. In this regard, the Law on Women's Rights and Children's Safety was signed this year. That is, new norms have been introduced, which establish strict punishments for domestic violence and ensure the protection of children's rights. In addition, a special law on action against human trafficking was adopted. Legislative changes aimed at strengthening responsibility for vandalism and damage to other people's property, violation of public order, reducing addiction to gambling, and banning vaping have been made. In addition to the members of the Parliament, members of the National Assembly actively participated in the development of draft laws related to these initiatives. Thus, the supremacy of "Law and Order", which the President always talks about, is gradually establishing itself in the society.
A strong example of unity
It is known that the spring flood caused chaos in the country and caused great damage to the property of the people and the state. A state of local emergency has been declared in 10 regions of the country. The head of the state gave an order to immediately move people to a safe place and provide necessary assistance to citizens affected by torrential water. He visited the three most affected regions, in particular, West Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan and Kostanay regions, and listened to the needs of the people.
None of the people who lost their property due to the floods were left behind. The state fully fulfilled its obligations. Material and financial support was provided to all the victims.
In particular, commissions worked in flood-affected regions, they inspected 19,359 houses and country houses, which were the only housing of citizens. In order to provide them with housing, 5,767 residential houses were purchased from the real estate market. 9,156 houses were repaired and one hundred percent completed. A total of 54.7 billion tenge was allocated for these purposes. Also, in a short period of time, 2,680 private houses were built for 64 billion tenge.
In addition, 36,455 families received one-time social assistance in the amount of 13.3 billion tenge or 100 MCI. 21,876 families were compensated up to 150 MCI in the amount of 9.9 billion tenge.
12.1 billion tenge was allocated to compensate the damage caused to small and medium business entities. In order to make full payments to the affected business entities, the problem of allocating additional funds in the amount of 2.5 billion tenge from the "Demeu" corporate fund to Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and North Kazakhstan regions was worked out. Expenses of 40 SMEs were reimbursed at the expense of these funds. In general, regional commissions approved the applications of 734 entrepreneurs for 14.6 billion tenge.
It is worth noting that the amount of aid provided by the state for the payment of livestock losses exceeded 2.8 billion tenge.
In such a difficult moment, our people showed an example of unity.
The distance has increased
At the extended meeting of the Government held at the beginning of the year, on February 7, the President instructed to ensure freedom of entrepreneurship by developing competition, reducing state intervention in the economy, and reducing business costs. On May 10, Kassym-Jomart Tokaev signed the Decree "On measures to liberalize the economy". And on September 2, in his address to the people of Kazakhstan entitled "Just Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, social optimism", the President defined the main directions of the country's economic development in the near future. Throughout the year, the government has made every effort to fulfill these basic tasks.
For example, according to the results of the first half of 2024, the total amount of direct investment from abroad amounted to 9.8 billion dollars. This indicator was recorded more in the mining industry, wholesale and retail trade, processing industry. The volume of investment in fixed capital reached 15.8 trillion tenge in January-November. Today, 134 projects worth 795.9 billion tenge have been launched, 10.1 thousand permanent jobs have been created. The head of state specially visited several large factories and enterprises that have just started their work and familiarized themselves with their activities.
Negotiation becomes easier
There are significant achievements in the direction of increasing the transport and transit potential of the country. For example, on February 28, the President opened the Transport and Logistics Center in Xi'an, China, via telebridge.
Xi'an is China's hub transit hub and largest dry port city. About 40 percent of container trains between the PRC and the European Union are dispatched from here.
The design capacity of the Kazakh terminal in Xi'an dry port is 66.5 thousand TEU (twenty-foot equivalent) per year. The terminal opens the way to new sales markets for the country's exporters, significantly shortens the delivery time of goods and allows to strengthen Kazakhstan's position as a reliable transit hub in Eurasia.
On July 3, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping took part in the ceremony of sending trucks and railway containers along the Trans-Caspian international transport route via telebridge. The Trans-Caspian international transport route passing through China-Kazakhstan-Caspian Sea-Azerbaijan-Georgia and further to European countries will become an efficient transport route both in terms of time and economy.
In addition, an agreement was reached with Uzbekistan on the expansion of transport and transit opportunities and the development of the Trans-Afghan railway route.
In addition, 1.4 thousand kilometers of railways are being repaired and 12 thousand kilometers of highways are being built in the country. Modernization of the roads "Taldikorgan - Ust-Kamenogorsk", "Karagandy - Almaty", "Aktobe - Atyrau - Astrakhan" in accordance with international requirements will significantly increase the interregional communication and transit potential of the country.
In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the construction of the bridge across the Buktyrma reservoir, which the residents of East Kazakhstan region have been waiting for for many years, has been completed by the order of the Head of State. This facilitated the connection of Markakol, Kurchim districts with the regional center. Before that, the population of these areas used to travel by ferry.
Our country receives a lot of money from international development institutes for road infrastructure. In particular, the World Bank has decided to allocate 650 million dollars to the Kazakhstani project, which will be carried out within the framework of the Program for the Improvement of Stability and Connectivity of Transport Roads (TRACE). This money will be used to increase the potential of the Middle Corridor, including major repairs of the "Zhezkazgan - Karaganda" highway. Also, the Asian Development Bank allocated more than 300 million dollars for the construction of the "Kyzylorda - Zhezkazgan" road.
Projects that raise the potential of society
On the order of the President, within the framework of the national project "Comfortable School", 217 new schools for 460 thousand students are being built in cities and rapidly developing settlements. Today, 36 schools have been commissioned. 15 of them are located in rural settlements. This means that in the development of the infrastructure of the education sector, equal attention is paid to the city and the countryside.
The construction of 276 facilities providing first sanitary and medical care has been completed within the framework of the national project "Modernization of rural health care", which has been implemented for several years. 99 of them were launched in 2023, and 117 this year. Next year, 125 facilities will be built. Among them, 32 district hospitals are being modernized.
This year, a record crop was collected
The head of state attaches great importance to increasing the potential of the agro-industrial complex. During his trips abroad, he constantly presents the investment opportunities of this industry.
This year, despite the spring floods, 26.7 million tons of grain were collected. This is a record figure for the next 10 years. This can be said to be the result of the state's systematic care and support for farmers. Direct concessional loans at the rate of 5 percent for spring harvest and harvesting operations have begun. For the first time, more than half a trillion tenge was allocated for this purpose.
Reducing dependence on imports for basic foodstuffs is an important task. A number of projects have been implemented in this direction. A comprehensive plan on the development of crop selection and seed production was adopted. Farmers should be provided with domestic seeds.
At the same time, 120 billion tenge were allocated to increase the level of agricultural equipment renewal to 8-10 percent per year. The program for leasing equipment at a rate of 5 percent has started.
Warehouse-logistics complexes are needed to store the produced food and deliver it to the consumer. Warehouses with a capacity of 700,000 tons will be built in the coming years.
In general, the first forum of agricultural workers of Kazakhstan, which was held for the first time this year, defined the main tasks of the development of the agro-industrial complex. It was said that, along with many other measures, a special law was adopted for the preservation and reproduction of the Kazakh horse breed, and now, as another important step in this direction, the Government
was given the task of creating the Institute of Horse Breeding.
Narrative beginnings
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev announced 2025 as the "Year of Worker's Professions". In other words, systematic work has begun to be carried out in order to inculcate the values of honest work and honest citizens in the society. For example, the law on health care issues not only defines the responsibility of medical workers, but also aims to increase their status and provide comprehensive protection during the performance of their professional duties. The community of doctors received this news with enthusiasm. For the first time, the honorary title "Honored Doctor of Kazakhstan" was confirmed and handed over to the first owners. In general, this year many exemplary citizens of the country were nominated for the state award. Next year, this good tradition will be continued, and great respect will be shown to the hardworking person.
In addition, the Head of State pays great attention to the creation of an economy based on knowledge and technology. One example of this is the signing of the Law on Science and Technology Policy this year. It covered the main directions and mechanisms of the technological policy aimed at introducing the results of scientific achievements into production.
Cleanliness starts with everyone
On the initiative of the President, the national environmental campaign "Clean Kazakhstan" was launched in April. Even though it was a time of crisis due to the spring floods, the President ordered the regional governors not to relax and to immediately start the work of cleaning and beautifying the surroundings. He strongly warned that this should become a permanent process of national character. The ultimate goal is to create an ecological culture in society.
About 2.4 million people participated in the year-long campaign. Hundreds of thousands of yards and territories were cleaned and more than 900 thousand tons of garbage were removed. About 2.5 million saplings were planted. The territory of more than 20,000 social facilities, more than 4,600 public places, parks, and small gardens were landscaped. More than 5 thousand historical and cultural objects and 758 fountains were put in order. More than 5.8 million square meters of area around rivers and lakes and other water bodies, more than 8.4 million meters of ditches were cleared.
A fateful choice
On October 6, the people expressed their will and made a choice in the national referendum on the construction of the nuclear power plant. 5,561,937 citizens or 71.12 percent of voters supported the construction of the NPP. In connection with the construction of the NPP, the President said, "This will become the largest project in the entire history of Independent Kazakhstan. Construction of a nuclear power plant is a long-term project. This initiative will promote the sustainable development of the country for decades, as well as create conditions for the training of a group of engineers and specialists of various s. Therefore, our current youth and future generations will benefit from it," he said.
After the referendum, Kassym-Jomart Tokaev exchanged views on the construction of the nuclear power plant with the President of France Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was on a state visit to Kazakhstan, as part of his state visit to the French Republic. At the moment, negotiations are being conducted with the Chinese side in this direction. That is, the implementation of the megaproject, which will last several years, will be entrusted to an international consortium consisting of large companies with extensive experience in the nuclear industry.
Recently, the Head of State received the Minister of Energy Almasadam Satkaliyev and instructed him to accelerate the construction of the nuclear power plant to be built in the country.
International communication
It is worth paying special attention to the achievements of our country in foreign policy. This year, Kazakhstan chaired six international organizations, in particular, SCO, TMO, UNSC, UNSC, Islamic Organization for Food Security, as well as the International Island Rescue Fund. Together with France, he organized the One Water Summit in Riyadh. Our country performed these responsible missions with honor. At high-level meetings, important initiatives were taken and the relevant documents were adopted. As a sovereign and independent country, it has advanced its priorities in the fields of political, economic, and military security.
Since the beginning of the year, the Head of State has made a state visit to Qatar, Azerbaijan, Singapore, Tajikistan, Mongolia, France and Hungary, and an official visit to Italy, the Vatican, Armenia, Turkmenistan and Serbia. It should be noted that the President of Kazakhstan visited some of these countries for the first time in almost 20 years. This indicates that the Head of State emphasizes comprehensive integration. Apart from state and official visits, the President went on a working visit to 11 countries to participate in various international events. In addition, he received the leaders of 11 foreign countries who visited our country on various levels and held negotiations.
In one year, the first plane of the country flew 158,983 kilometers. The President spent 245 hours and 18 minutes on a plane and a helicopter. This is the same distance as going around the globe four times.
Serious summits
The 24th summit of the organization was held in July in Astana within the framework of the chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. During Kazakhstan's chairmanship of the Organization, about 150 events were organized at various levels, and the contractual basis of the organization was supplemented with 60 new documents. The number of international organizations that are considered partners of the SCO has increased. The activity of the special working group on investments was revived. The city of Almaty has become the cultural and tourist capital of the SCO in 2023-2024.
This year, our country held the worthy chairmanship of the Organization of Turkic States. During this period, more than 80 events were organized. A version of the common Turkic alphabet has been approved. The 5th World Nomadic Games, which divided the Uly steppe for five days, was one of the most important events organized within this organization. About 2,500 athletes from 90 countries came and competed in the competition.
Contact with the press
The head of state gave several interviews to domestic and foreign media and published articles expressing the country's position. In particular, in the first days of the year, an extensive interview was published in "Egemen Qazaqstan" newspaper. It gave a clear assessment of the January incident and included changes in the country's development.
Interviews were also published with Azerbaijan's ARA, Armenia's "Armenpress", PRC's "Xinhua" news agency and "Renmin Jibao" newspaper, articles for France's Le Figaro, Russia's "Izvestia".
This year, the Head of State held a briefing for journalists twice and answered the questions on the minds of the media representatives. After voting in the republican referendum on the construction of the NPP, the President held a briefing for representatives of the domestic mass media. And on December 7, during the panel session of the Doha Forum in the Newsmaker Interview format, he answered the questions of the moderator, SNN journalist Julia Chatterley.
The President also held 14 briefings for media representatives together with heads of foreign states.
Since the beginning of the year, 814 pieces of information have been published on the official website www.akorda.kz about the work of the Head of State, including his speeches and appeals at various events, Address to the people of Kazakhstan. One of the main platforms of the President's Press Service - Aqorda telegram channel - 7,804 information materials were published, 1,801 posts were published on the Facebook page of the Press Service, and 1,727 posts were published on the Instagram page.
The head of the state himself publishes posts on his pages on social networks about his trips abroad, the decisions he made, and informs the public about their content. It has undoubtedly become an effective means of feedback to the people. Since the beginning of the year, the President has published 20 tweets on his X-page and 30 posts on his Instagram page.
Apart from the social network, the request, complaints and requests received by the Head of State are analyzed and sorted out by the Department of the Presidential Administration. This year, as of December 26, 49,069 applications from citizens were received through this platform.
It is almost impossible to cover the large-scale work done in one year within the framework of one article. However, this is how we reviewed the events that are remembered by people and have their own place in the history of the state's development.
Berik WALI,
Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Press Secretary