11 February - International Day of Women and Girls in Science!


11 February - International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

Shynar Bakytzhan

IPhPRS Research Fellow


If creativity involves producing something novel, then scientists are the true creative innovators.

Women in science, like all other women in their respective career paths, often face challenges such as the 'sticky floor' and the 'glass ceiling'. The 'sticky floor' phenomenon refers to women remaining in entry-level positions in the career hierarchy for longer periods than men. Meanwhile, men ascend the career ladder while women remain on the first rung for years. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reported in 2021 that 40% of the gender pay gap is due to 'sticky floors' caused by social norms, gender stereotypes, and discrimination. Women may find that their careers progress more slowly than men under similar conditions once they are employed. The 'Glass Ceiling' refers to the invisible and formally unmarked line that represents the sum of obstacles that systematically limit women's professional growth. They may possess professional skills equal to or better than their colleagues, but often face career stagnation at the level of performers or deputies without being promoted.

On this significant day, I wish myself and my colleagues to always believe in our potential and contribute to the development of new branches of modern science. To achieve this, we just need to actively engage in our favourite work and derive creative professional satisfaction from it!