Нусипова Гульнара Игенбаевна

Нусипова Гульнара Игенбаевна

Personal information:
Kazakh, was born on January 14, 1968 in Almaty region
1.Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Faculty of International Relations, specialty: "Political Science".
2.Master's degree: Joint educational programs of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Research institutes of the CS MES RK on the basis of the complex "Gylym Ordasy", specialty: "Philosophy" (2016-2018). Dissertation topic: "Kazakstandyk kogamnyn zhangyruyn aleumettik-philosophiyalyk taldau".
3.Doctoral studies: Joint educational programs of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Research institutes of the CS MES RK on the basis of the complex "Gylym Ordasy": specialty: "Philosophy" (2018-2021 ). Dissertation topic: "Kazakh philosophiyasyn rukhani-adamgershilik olshemindegi yerkindik kubylysy: dasturden zhangyruga dein".
Academic degree:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Labor Activity:
Leading researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the KN MES RK, executive editor of the journal "Al-Farabi".
Main scientific publications:
Author of more than 40 scientific publications, including co-author of 8 collective monographs.
Department awards:
"Algys" from Ministry of Education and Science of RK (2020)